I have a friend. A best friend in fact who's name is Katy. Among her many attributes, a few of which are she's a hoarder of clutter and just loves to dance around in her underwear, she has a very skilled eye for photography.
For a while Katy had been mentioning using me as a model in some of her renowned countryside shots. Initially I was wary about agreeing because I, like many other girls, seem to find enjoyment in picking fault with the result cameras so unashamedly produce.
Today however I decided to forget all inhibitons and let Katy include me in her clickety snap plans. I made sure to apply a brave face along with my usual routine make up, and I selected an outfit I thought would allow the stylish country bumpkin side of me to radiate from within. (No harm in trying hey?)
So off we went. Myself, Katy, the camera and a bag of clothes just in case we got really involved and decided a change of outfit was in order, you know like you would on a professional shoot. We chose to drive to a picturesque walking route not far from where we both live. Here lay a derelict house, aboandoned and forgotten, as though in wait for someone to come along and bring it back to life. I climbed to the top most window where I awkwardly posed in a trilby sun hat feeling some what out of my comfort zone.
However after the shutter had opened and closed a few times I became more at ease. My repertoire of poses was not incredibly extensive, there's only so often one can tilt their head convincingly from side to side after all. I did enjoy myself very much though and once I'd been photographed by different objects ie. a fence, flowers and bridge, I felt like a model in the making.
Katy's immaculate way of catching the moment is a desirable talent and I am only too pleased she chose me to be the subject of her scenery snaps.
See the finished results at http://www.flickr.com/photos/63064378@N04/sets/72157626929933994/
You're stunning. x hivenn